Design 1January - May 2024
I took Introduction to Graphic Design under the guidance of Professor Yeju Choi and Teaching Assistant/2nd-year MFA Orlando Porras. The class focused on building a strong foundation in design by limiting our tools. Until the very end of the semester, we were limited to the basics: pen, paper, glue, and exacto blade. Our projects were suplemented by readings and movies that guided our making processess. In this class, I learned that every design ‘move’ must have a reason and every reason must make sense. I also learned that if I think I am done with a design, I need to iterate more. And that frustration paired with patience is a perfect thing.
Always iterating for critique sessionsHelvetica, 11x17inType heirarchy assignmentMaking type from photosWhat SOUR feels like, 9x9inVellum paper inserts for final book projectBehind the scenes of the notorious Helvetica projectThe final net to be folded in order to incase vellum inserts for final book project